I finally have some time to catch up on updating everyone on Aiden's last surgery and where we stand now on the nevus removal journey. Sorry it has taken this long but we really have been nonstop busy since we got home from Chicago!
After five trips to Chicago, we are definitely considered experts which is not something I am proud to admit but its the truth. We hit a record this time for getting out of the airport and at the hotel. Even though we are only there for a short period of time, Chicago does feel like our "home" away from home.
Since our surgery was squeezed into Dr. Bauer's surgery schedule, we had to have surgery on a clinic day, meaning that we would be the only surgery of the day but that it would have to be in the afternoon. UGH. We got confirmation the night before surgery that Aiden was scheduled for 2:00pm. It was going to be a long day and most likely we were going to have to stay overnight in the hospital but we would manage.
Lucky for us, Aiden slept in until almost 9am so that definitely helped. We spent the rest of the morning at the local mall and Aiden had a blast riding in this little fire truck in the play area. The time went by quickly and there we were again...at Highland Park Hospital. Aiden definitely knew something was up and did not want the nurses coming in and taking his vitals but we managed. Our surgery time came and we were still not taken back. The nurse had said that Dr. Bauer had gotten caught up in the office but was on his way. Shortly after that, we saw Dr. Bauer stroll right by and knew it wouldn't be long before the nurse came to take us back. By this point, I was so starving so I was really feeling for Aiden but he actually seemed to be handling it just fine. Such a little trooper!
I LOVE that we can still get smiles out of him, even at the hospital! |
When they came to take Aiden back to the OR, he was not happy. I wasn't expecting this for one second, especially since he was given the Versed. I have not cried since the first surgery but I felt the tears coming again. It is so incredibly difficult to leave him but when he cries, my heart just breaks. I was able to hold back the tears until they walked through the double doors to the OR as I refuse to let him see my weakness. As hard as it is, there are two constant comforts that come immediately...1. he is in the best hands and 2. he won't remember.
Michael and I finally grabbed a bite to eat in the cafeteria and then proceeded back to the waiting room. There comes such relief with expander removal but it makes the waiting go by that much slower as we anticipate Dr. Bauer coming out with the results. It was about 5pm when Dr. Bauer came into the waiting room. He told us that things went well and that basically the arm and shoulder was left. It was pretty exciting news. He also said that he was a little concerned about some rough scarring that may come around the shoulder area but that it will all work out in the end. It made me a little nervous to see the results but the most important thing about seeing Dr. Bauer is taking care of our little superhero so we put that behind us. Shortly after seeing Dr. Bauer, we were called to go to recovery. When we walked in, I could hear his cry but it wasn't anything like last time so I was hoping this was a good sign. Since we had such a late surgery, we knew we would be staying the night which is probably harder than being at the hotel but we were left at little to no option, especially since we struggle to get him to eat or drink for a long time after surgery. There was lot of crying the first few hours but we managed to get by and finally got him on a pain med schedule that seemed to at least keep him sleeping. He was really irritated that his arm was held down in the ace wrap but under no circumstance did Dr. Bauer want him moving his arm so that was our only option. It was definitely another struggle to eat or drink again...he even turned down a popsicle! Finally around 12:30am, we got him to drink maybe a few ounces of juice but it was a start. After a long night, we were able to get him to eat some baby food and drink some orange juice in the morning and get discharged.
Watching the iPad after surgery. |
We certainly didn't get much sleep but we are so ready to leave this place! |
From the hospital, we headed straight to Dr. Bauer's office for the reveal. For the first time ever, we actually got to see Dr. Bauer at his office. He normally is in surgery when we come but it was another clinic day so he was there! When we pulled off the dressing, he looked relieved so I was instantly relieved. He said that the area he thought might be an issue, actually looks great! He also said that as long as Aiden isn't moving his arm too much, we could figure out something other than placing his arm in the wrap. Thank goodness because that was really bothering him and he had no interest in moving his arm. His armpit area was extremely tender so it was understandable that he wouldn't want to move it. As exciting as the reveal is, I have to admit that the first reaction for me is always "GULP." The scars are not easy to look at but I know with time they will heal and not be that noticeable in time. After that initial reaction, it really is amazing to see the results Dr. Bauer was able to achieve given that we were pushed up!
Take a look at where this journey has taken us....
Before any surgery |
After round one |
Back before surgery |
Back after round one! |
After ROUND TWO!!!!!!!! |
After ROUND TWO!!!! Nevus is gone up until the crease of his armpit.
We are really pleased with the results. One more round of expansion and then some revision surgeries and eventually nipple reconstruction and this nevus removal journey will be over!
Hey Melissa,
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog for a while. So amazed at Aiden's progress. Wow. Anyways, I'm trying to actually make an attempt to blog on Caleb now. I would love if you would follow us... I have like no followers!Hope all is well!