Back in January, Aiden and I went to Pump it Up for Rachel's first birthday party. She is the daughter to my very good friend, Shannon. When it came time to open the gifts, Shannon sat down and started to tear up. Well, in that moment, I just knew something was going on and that Aiden had everything to do with it. She had asked her guests to donate money for Aiden's surgeries instead of gifts for her daughter. I was very surprised as I had NO idea. I couldn't have been more grateful for the $400 they raised for Aiden. We have had nothing but wonderful support from our friends and family to help us get through this journey with Aiden.
One of the workers there decided to go to their manager and tell them about Aiden's story. They immediately wanted to help us out. They told me that they would host an event on a weeknight and only charge $10 per child. This would include unlimited use of both arena's, pizza, and drinks. I thought this would be such a fun way to fundraise for Aiden and help bring awareness to his rare skin condition.
I was all set and ready to pick a date sometime in February until I got the email from Dr. Bauer (literally two days later) telling me that he thought it would be best to excise the infection that we had been battling for months. What a blessing in disguise this opportunity was for us! With this unexpected surgery and our cookbooks slowing down in sales, we really need the extra support so this was THE perfect opportunity for us at this time.
After we got home from Chicago, I was finally able to pick a date! So, I am so excited to announce that on March 29th from 5:30-7:30pm, Pump it Up in Murrieta is having a "FUN"draiser for Aiden. Again it will ONLY COST $10 per child so if you have kids, please consider coming and be sure to tell your friends. Space is limited so PREPAID reservations are required. Please call 951-677-1933 today and reserve your spot!
If you have never been to Pump it Up, check them out on their website below.
Pump It Up
We will also have our cookbooks for sale at the event. If you are unable to attend and don't have a cookbook yet or want one for a gift, please let me know.
Thanks again for all the support everyone has shown thus far! And many thanks to SHANNON because we never would have had this opportunity at Pump it Up without you.